Tuesday, August 16, 2011

sankalp.. back to school...

first week of school done ... of the 5 days 2 gud first 3 hmmm was fine (lil tears)
his art work for the week and his monthly schedule being attached and the first pic in his new school uniform
first day of school.....
love it

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sankalp's first day at school !!!

Today was sankalps first day at school. he was more than exited to go to the school and have fun like sid has in the serial, i was the one who was all worried about it. " he did gr8 was the  " was the words the teacher told me and he looked like he had lot of fun too. with his new spiderman bag he went .  i packed a small box with strawberry and a energy bar in his bag and a pair of extra clothes. he dint talk much when he got into the car about his day in school nor did he talk to any one on phone ( dad or grand parents ). then after lunch at home started telling his day at school and told he had lot of fun.