Wednesday, October 20, 2010

library coloring.....

17th september 2010

The creativity of my son in the library.

Paper Plate cat

15th september 2010

The Paper Plate CAT
This is the most interesting project that sankalp has done I guess because he did it “All by Himself” as he calls it. Inspired with his paper plate fish activity yesterday he choose to do this. He took one paper plate from the pantry and his markers and his favorite scissors. He drew his own lil pic and cut by himself and colored it and showed it to me saying “ M om I made a cat today “ Lovely was the only thing I could say about it as I could not recognize a cat in such a shape ever. But the best part of it is that he did it and I have to encourage him to keep doing better and improve his creativity. You can decide in which angle it looks like a cat.