Tuesday, August 16, 2011

sankalp.. back to school...

first week of school done ... of the 5 days 2 gud first 3 hmmm was fine (lil tears)
his art work for the week and his monthly schedule being attached and the first pic in his new school uniform
first day of school.....
love it

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sankalp's first day at school !!!

Today was sankalps first day at school. he was more than exited to go to the school and have fun like sid has in the serial, i was the one who was all worried about it. " he did gr8 was the  " was the words the teacher told me and he looked like he had lot of fun too. with his new spiderman bag he went .  i packed a small box with strawberry and a energy bar in his bag and a pair of extra clothes. he dint talk much when he got into the car about his day in school nor did he talk to any one on phone ( dad or grand parents ). then after lunch at home started telling his day at school and told he had lot of fun.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

library coloring.....

17th september 2010

The creativity of my son in the library.

Paper Plate cat

15th september 2010

The Paper Plate CAT
This is the most interesting project that sankalp has done I guess because he did it “All by Himself” as he calls it. Inspired with his paper plate fish activity yesterday he choose to do this. He took one paper plate from the pantry and his markers and his favorite scissors. He drew his own lil pic and cut by himself and colored it and showed it to me saying “ M om I made a cat today “ Lovely was the only thing I could say about it as I could not recognize a cat in such a shape ever. But the best part of it is that he did it and I have to encourage him to keep doing better and improve his creativity. You can decide in which angle it looks like a cat.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paper plate fish!!!

September  14th 2010

Sankalp is bored with only coloring activities so I planed something new today.  We made a fish with paper plate. Quite an interesting thing to do with a 2 yr old I guess  but we both together had fun making it.  

We need :-
One paper plate
Some crayons or markers to color
Scissors to cut
And glue to stick

We cut the paper plate like a v at one side and then colored the plate and stuck the v on the other end as a tail ( you will get a better idea when you see the picture). Though it sounds so easy and can be done so fast with a 2 yr old I bet will take lot more time keeping them involved in cutting and sticking and coloring they are practically 3 activities in one go so it took us around 1-2 hr to make it. We got this really gr8 scissors from Ikea its gr8 for kids and  has lot of colors and keeps him busy and he loves using them they are totally children safe. I was very happy to keep him involved for so long. Helped me do a lot more work around the house than I usually do.
September  14th 2010- Paper Plate fish.
But all worth it. Love you sonny boy you did a gr8 work.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grandparents Day!!!!

Activity 10th September 2010

10th september 2010
Today is the second visit to the library and it was not much different than the 1st one.  Theme for the day was Grandparent’s day as it is on September 12th.  They has read 2 stories about Grandparents and the same rhymes  and sankalp was still with me dint open up much and enjoyed his coloring for his grandparents day .